Idiom:  the name of the game


Idiom:  the name of the game

  • the most important thing or activity

Example sentences

— In language learning, actually using the language by speaking is the name of the game.

— At this firm, getting assigned to the biggest cases is the name of the game.

— To be a pop star today, beauty not talent, is the name of the game.

— To win in tennis, the name of the game is mental strength at the pro level.

— I thought hard work was the name of the game in success but it's actually working smarter.

— The name of the game in living a healthy life is minimizing stress.

— The name of the game in college is studying regularly throughout the semester.

— What's the name of the game for becoming an Instagram "influencer?"

— Height, weight and facial symmetry are the name of the game in modeling.

— To be successful in public relations, speaking well is the name of the game.

— Failing and trying again are the name of the game in entrepreneurship.


  • the bottom line
  • sum and substance
  • nuts and bolts
  • meat and potatoes
  • the nitty-gritty

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