Idiom:  keep to yourself


Idiom:  keep to yourself / keep something to oneself

  • to stay apart from others
  • keeping or having something only for you
  • keep some information private

Example sentences

— If that’s what you really believe, I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself.

— Are you crazy? How could you keep something like that to yourself when other people's health could be affected!

— I had to keep my opinions to myself at dinner because I didn't want to argue with my boyfriend's parents.

— While I was traveling, I generally kept to myself rather than trying to meet others.

— One of my neighbors keeps to himself but everyone else on our street is really friendly.

— I can't believe you kept that secret to yourself all these years—what an awful burden you had to bear alone.

— I've got a great idea for a new product, but for now I'm keeping it to myself so no one will steal it.

— We basically kept to ourselves when we lived in Turkey because we couldn't speak the language and few people spoke English.

— I just prefer to keep to myself at work but my boss gave me a bad performance review because he said I wasn't a team player.

— I'm a Trump supporter so I really keep my opinions to myself while at work.

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