Idiom:  in charge (of someone/something)


Idiom:  in charge (of someone/something)

  • to have control over someone or something and be responsible for it (and its performance)

Example sentences

— This is Maria. She’s in charge of ordering supplies so please let her know what you need.

— Can you please tell me who is in charge of hiring?  I would like to apply for a job. 

— Hello, I'd like to speak to the person who's in charge of your billing department please?

— The one thing that I don't like about this job is being in charge of the Christmas party so I've asked my supervisor if someone else could do it from now on.

— Do you know who's in charge of the annual conference this year?

— Who's in charge of changing the toner in the copier? I need to make color copies as soon as possible.

— We've lost five employees since Kaitlyn became in charge of the marketing department.

— When I worked for Lego, I was in charge of managing their product testing.

— I see on your CV that you worked as a manager at Microsoft.  Can you tell me about that position and how many employees you were in charge of?

— Are you in charge here? I want to complain about one of your sales people.

— No one wants to be in charge of social media here so they keep trying to make me do that work.

— Who's in charge of the Blackwater account? They haven't paid for our services in more than five months.

— I'm grateful I'm no longer in charge of the gala. Sarah is on maternity leave and Sloane's husband has been relocated to Tokyo for work so she just resigned.


  • in control
  • responsible for
  • at the helm

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