Idiom:  in a hurry


Idiom:  in a hurry

  • rushing or moving around quickly

Example sentences

— I wish we could leave home earlier and not always have to drive to school in a hurry.

— Sorry, I can’t talk now—I’m in a hurry to pack and catch the bus to the airport.

— I hate rush hour. Everyone's in a hurry because they leave home late.

— Excuse me, is there another cashier available? It's lunch hour so we're all in a hurry to get back to the office.

— I was in such a hurry leaving for work, I left my lunch on the kitchen counter.

— I'm sorry I can't talk right now I'm in a hurry to catch the train.

— Kids, go brush your teeth now so you won't be in a hurry to catch the bus for school.

— Since I started waking up a half hour earlier, it's nice to not be in such a rush in the mornings.


  • in a rush
  • pressed for time

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