Idiom:  at one's wit's end


Idiom:  at one's wit's end

  • so completely frustrated and upset that you're unsure what to do
  • to be so distressed you don't have any more patience with someone/something

Example sentences

— I've tried to do my math homework for more than three hours and now I'm at my wit's end.

— We're at our wits end with our puppy—she's chewing everything in our apartment. 

— I’ve been waiting for five hours for the repair man to come and I’m just about at my wits end.

— I’m at my wits end with our new babysitter. She’s been late every day this week.

— My husband is at his wits end with his job and I’m afraid he’s going to get really angry and quit.

— I’m at my wits end with my mother-in-law. Nothing I ever do you can please her.

— I’m at my wits end with this Internet. It's unbelievably slow.

— Aren’t you at your wits end yet with the cleaner? We’ve been going behind her to finish up the cleaning she hasn’t done well.


  • fed up 
  • worked up
  • beside oneself
  • out of one's mind

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