Idiom:  a king’s ransom


Idiom:  a king’s ransom

  • a large amount of money

Example sentences

— It would take a king’s ransom to purchase a mansion like that.

— Don’t laugh—she makes a king’s ransom selling clothing for dogs.

— I got rid of my beach house. It cost a king's ransom for upkeep.

— I'd give a king's ransom to date a Victoria Secret's model.

— He made a king's ransom as a CEO but he died of a heart attack at age 52.

— Having a sports car will cost you a king's ransom to maintain and insure.

— It costs a king's ransom for court side seats at the LA Lakers games.

— Going to an Ivy League college costs a king's ransom so you better major in business or engineering.

— I love your Louis Vuitton bag. It must have cost you a king's ransom.


  • a pot of gold
  • a tidy sum
  • a pretty penny
  • a princely sum
  • a windfall
  • a small fortune

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