Idiom:  you can’t take it with you


Idiom:  you can’t take it with you

  • This expression is used to say you should enjoy life today because you can’t take your money or possessions with you when you die.

Example sentences

— Why don’t you ever drive your sports car? You can’t take it with you, ya know?

— I always tell my son to save some of his paycheck and he always responds, “Why? You can’t take it with you.”

— I try to tell my parents to enjoy their retirement because you can't take it with you, but they've been so frugal their entire lives.

— My motto in life is, you can't take it with you, but my wife hates to splurge on anything.

— We've finally decided to sell our house and travel the world by boat because as they say, you can't take it with you.

— It's hard to estimate how much to save for retirement. You can't take it with you but people are also living longer than ever before.

— Why don't you ever set out your beautiful china? You can't take it with you.

— I know the saying says you can't take it with you, but I want to leave as much as I can to my children and grandchildren when I pass on.  

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