Idiom:  without further ado


without further ado:  

  • without talking more about something
  • without any delay before doing something

Example sentences

— Without further ado, close your books and let’s begin the test.

— I appreciate your attention and without further ado, Professor Johnson will now deliver this evening's keynote address.

— Now that we've done our introductions let's get the meeting started without further ado.

— So, without further ado, I'm pleased to present the awards to tonight's winners. 

— After a full day of presentations I'm sure you're all anxious to leave, so without further ado, Sandra will wrap up today's session with a few final comments. 

— Without further Ado, I'd like to present the next speaker, Danielle Evans

— Are there any final questions? Great, then without further ado, let's break out into small groups for further discussion.

— And now, without further ado, let's get this competition started.


  • right away
  • take it away

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