Idiom:  pay a visit


Idiom:  pay a visit to someone/something (pay someone/something a visit)

  • to go see someone or something

Example sentences

  • I haven’t heard from my father in two weeks so I’m going to pay him a visit and make sure he’s okay.
  • There are very few doctors who will pay a visit to patients' homes these days.
  • It's been a few months since we've seen my mother-in-law so we need to pay a visit this weekend.
  • My best friend was in town and decided to pay a visit but we were at the shopping mall so I missed her.
  • Let's pay a visit to the cemetery on Veterans Day and lay down some flowers at my grandfather's grave.
  • You'll be paying the dentist a visit soon if you don't stop drinking so many sodas and eating those sugary candies.
  • If you have a chance to pay a visit to Mount Rushmore National Memorial while you're in the Dakotas you will not regret it.
  • A couple of police officers paid our office a visit this afternoon and I'm dying to know what they questioned my boss about.
  • Every Memorial Day we pay a visit to my uncle's grave to pay our respects.


  • drop in
  • drop by
  • stop by
  • swing by
  • come by
  • come around
  • pop in
  • look in on

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