Idiom:  middle of the road


Idiom:  middle of the road

  • not controversial, moderate, liked by most people

Example sentences

— My youngest daughter never does anything middle of the road so I'm not surprised you were shocked when you met her.

— I really need to get back to New York City where there's some excitement; living in the suburbs is so middle of the road.

— People around here are very middle of the road so you might get some funny looks at your nose ring.

— If you're looking for a more middle of the road phone, I'd recommend this Samsung model over here.

— My fiancé's friends and family are very middle of the road and can't understand why a woman would want to lift weights.

— You're never going to be popular on YouTube by being middle of the road.

— I used to be middle of the road politically until I went away to college and was exposed to other perspectives.

— I think we should try an advertising campaign that's a bit more middle of the road this time and that way we can compare results to see what's the best approach with this audience.

— My musical tastes are middle of the road. I like mostly pop music and Top 40 hits.

— Meh. Everything he does now is middle of the road now that he's become famous and has sponsorships.


  • run of the mill
  • neutral territory
  • straddling the fence

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