Idiom:  end up


Idiom:  end up

  • to reach a final place or situation

Example sentences

— I never thought I'd end up divorced with four kids at age 33.

— You'll end up getting diabetes if you keep eating so much sugar. 

— We ended up taking a taxi back from the club because we missed the last bus.

— If you don't start studying soon you’ll end up failing your exam.

— My girlfriend ended up pregnant because neither one of us used contraception.

— We ended up at the party because no one wanted to spend money at a club.

— I ended up majoring in economics after reading about micro finance in Latin America.

— I knew you’d end up working for a law firm or bank one day.

— Facebook is a great way to find out where people ended up after college.


  • wind up
  • turn out (to be)

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