Sea Creatures Vocabulary Puzzle

Illustration of the sea creatures crossword puzzle that can be downloaded on this page.

This sea creatures vocabulary puzzle will help you practice and learn new English words about living creatures you can find in the ocean.

You can find vocabulary for other animals here.

Click to download this puzzle.

Click to download the ANSWERS to this puzzle.

I was inspired to put this puzzle together after watching the David Gallo's TED Talk on Underwater Astonishments.

If you'd like to watch the video, click the link below. You will also find the definitions for some of the vocabulary words and a short quiz so you can test your listening comprehension.

If you have not watched a TED Talk before, I highly recommend them. You can download them, get the transcript in English or watch the video with subtitles. Many of the videos are also transcribed in different languages (subtitles and transcripts).

To watch this TED Talk lesson please click here.

Illustration of a laptop, sheets of paper with crossword puzzles and a coffee cup with the advertisement "free e-book" learn English words with puzzles.

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