Idiom:  zone out


Idiom:  zone out

  • to not pay attention to things happening around you

Example sentences

— As soon as my boyfriend talks about sports, I automatically zone out.

— Everyone zones out in the staff meetings or secretly checks Facebook and Twitter.

— It was so warm in the conference room that everyone was zoning out during the final speaker's presentation.

— I start to zone out whenever my wife starts complaining about work.

— Are you listening to me?  You look like you're zoning out.

— Unfortunately, I zoned out while I was on the train and missed my stop.

— I'm so tired I just want to zone out in front of the television tonight.

— It's so sad to see people zoning out with their phones at restaurants instead of talking with their friends and families.

— I have no energy anymore. I just zone out doing nothing on the weekend.

— I try to zone out whenever my colleague starts talking about her upcoming wedding preparations.


  • space out
  • tune out
  • out of it

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