Idiom:  turn a deaf ear


Idiom:  turn a deaf ear (to something)

  • to not listen to what someone is saying
  • to ignore someone

Example sentences

— When my manager started talking about the holiday party, everyone turned a deaf ear.

— For years my best friend has been saying he would start his own business but never did anything and now everyone turns a deaf ear whenever he talks about it.

— My husband's work is so boring it so hard not to turn a deaf ear when he talks about it.

— I hate teaching middle school students—they turn a deaf ear in class no matter what I do.

— What can we do to get our passengers to not turn a deaf ear during the airline safety message?

— I already told you that the auditors arrived a half an hour ago—were you turning a deaf ear before?

— You can tell when my father is turning a deaf ear to my mom because he's just saying, "Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh..."


  • turn a blind eye
  • pay no attention to
  • pay no mind

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