Idiom:  take the edge off


Idiom:  take the edge off

  • minimize the effect of something that's uncomfortable or unpleasant

Example sentences

— Happy hour is for people who want to take the edge off a stressful week of work.

— Shopping helps me take the edge off boredom. 

— Taking drugs is a short-term solution for taking the edge off pain... until the drugs become a problem in and of themselves.

— Every evening I come home and have a beer or glass of wine to take the edge off of a stressful day at work.

— I started doing yoga during my lunch hour and it’s a wonderful way to take the edge off.

— If you don’t have time time to go to a meditation class, try this podcast and I’m confident it will help take the edge off your stressful day.

— For me exercising at the gym and working up a sweat is the best way to take the edge off after a long day.

— My boyfriend sent me flowers and that really took the taking the edge off my anger after our argument last night.


  • take the sting out
  • take the bite out

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