Idiom:  in a stupor


Idiom:  in a stupor

  1. in a dazed or confused condition (often as a result of drugs or alcohol)
  2. in a state of extreme lethargy or apathy (often because of stress or shock)

Example sentences

— Look at them. They're all in a stupor, probably from drugs.

— After I took some cold medicine I was in such a stupor I couldn’t do any more work or even drive home.

— Don't drink any more beer or you'll be in a drunken stupor the rest of the afternoon.

— The car hit a pole and turned over three times but when the man awoke after the car accident in a stupor, he wasn't sure what had just happened.

— My poor dog just had surgery and he's in a stupor, walking around with a cone around his head bumping into everything.

— After traveling for the past 32 hours by plane and bus, I arrived at the hotel in a stupor.

— We were all in a stupor after drinking beer all afternoon at the football game.

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