Idiom:  at hand


Idiom:  at hand

  1.  happening now or present at this time
  2.  close or nearby

Example sentences

— We will have four nurses at hand to give flu shots to attendees who want them.

— Let’s talk about the actual problems we have at hand and worry about financial matters later.

— Exactly how many volunteers do we have at hand today?

— The time to decide my major is finally at hand but after two years of university, I still have no idea what I want to study.

— Here's my phone number—just remember that help is always at hand 24 hours a day if you need it.

— Your daughter should always keep her inhaler at hand so she can use it as needed.

— I always keep a bottle of water close at hand so that I can stay hydrated throughout the day.

— Luckily there was enough hand sanitizer at hand to fill all of the emergency supply kits.


  • next to
  • near to
  • at one's disposal
  • on deck
  • at one's fingertips

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