The topic discussed in the video is really essential

by Anton

This comment is in response to Candy Chang's TED Talk: "Before I Die I want to..."

In my opinion, the topic discussed in the video is really essential. Everybody knows how short our life is. So, this is really very important to manage to realize all your dreams and achieve all your goals.

However, I can't understand the main idea of the video - turning the side of the abandoned house into a giant chalkboard.

I personally think that it's one of the things you don't have to do if you want to save your time. Because I strongly believe that writing your dreams on the chalkboard or wall doesn't help you get closer to your dream. You're just wasting your precious time acting like this.

Of course, I can assume that this way to share your goals can help somebody, but I'm not one of such people. That's why, it's difficult to understand for me.

In conclusion, the speaker and topic were great, and I really enjoy the time watching the video. So, without any doubt, I can recommend it for everyone who wants to learn something new and develop himself!

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Sep 23, 2020
I appreciate your thoughts!
by: Nicole (OysterEnglish)

I really appreciate your well-presented comment. Bravo!

Yes, you are correct that writing on the side of a building isn't going to get you to your goal or quickly.

I think her idea was more to get people to actually THINK about what's important and to create a connection for the people in an area. Perhaps you live in an area that has a lot of community activity or you participate in meaningful ways with others around you.

However, if you have ever been to a place like Candy has described, where there are a lot of abandoned buildings in an area, it creates quite a sad and empty feeling... like the city or neighborhood is dying. The sadness of her losing her dear friend made her remember how short life is... and yet, most of us forget so quickly and get back to the grind of our daily lives.

I think this idea of transforming a vacant building (a sign of sadness and failure) into something that reflects our deepest dreams and what really matters to us was such a simple, yet powerful idea.

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts!

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