Everyday we are slowly dying

by Uliana

"Everyday we are slowly dying".

This quote reminded me that we need to spend each day doing things that we’ve always wanted to do because we are slowly dying.

Death doesn’t hit us on some random day; death is slowly occurring right now. So, everyone's life should be full of positive emotions, love, happiness, care and joy.

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Nov 07, 2022
we are dying
by: Anonymous

Every day we are dying, but you just don't know so just stop thinking you're not dying

Oct 04, 2020
Yes, death is a part of life
by: Nicole (OysterEnglish)

As you point out so well, death is a part of life... but it's not something that should stop us from living.

Having "deadlines" in life can help us to be motivated and get things done. As you've said, every day is a gift that we should value to the fullest.

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