Cameron is Courageous

by Jenny
(Paris, France)

Hello, I discovered your page today, and I'm very interested on it.

This theme of TED talk is also interesting, because here we have a woman, a model, who is working for big brands...talking about her feelings and expressing her real image.

It's difficult to talk about that today because we are scared to be fired, in society or in our work.

Nevertheless, what she is talking about is clear and true, but in my mind, we cannot feel the same way like what she said in the TED Talk.

Of course, it's easy for her to say that beauty is just an image, it doesn't matter...But we all have a different way of life.

We did not have the same life as her before. We can be short, tall, fat or slim and these characteristics make us feel sick, bad, unhappy in our body.

Society makes us be like what it expects us to be. If we do not respect this, we can be seen differently.

In a nutshell, the talk is perfect, the quiz is impeccable and thank you for the lesson.

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Jan 15, 2021
Excellent comments, Jenny
by: Nicole (OysterEnglish)

Thank you for these excellent comments. As you said, society decides how we are "supposed" to look but we come in all different shapes and sizes. Instead of celebrating how unique everyone is, we are all shamed for not looking the way society wants us to look.

Unfortunately, just as you said, this causes so many women and girls to feel unhappy and can even cause them to develop serious illnesses (e.g., eating disorders and depression).

Thanks for your kind words about the lesson. I wish you the very best with your English studies!

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